Anata Rupa, Kebun Ide, Bintaro, Indonesia
This is a collaborative installation project initiated by Anneke Prasyanti (Bhumiaras Hospitality+Design), Virobuild and Dani Hermawan (Formologix) for one of the exhibition in South Tangerang, with the theme “Inclusivity”. Interpreting that the inclusivity should be addressed for public realm especially for citizen of all age, including the young citizen: children. However, our vision is to create design feature that intensify interaction between all age of citizen to experience shared public attraction:Anata Rupa
Named in Sankrit language, Anata (meaning: respectfully saluted, colourful, variation) and Rupa (meaning: shape, form), Anata Rupa tried to re-introduce the local wisdom to crafted object -the woven surface- and colour which applied into a non-Euclidean geometry that expected to be very attractive, dynamic and playful for everyone.
Anata Rupa installation built in rounded non-Euclidean form (5-meter diameter), weaved by modern technology fibre material, the Ecofaux, produced by ViroBuild and colours that represent some identity colours of Batak, Dayak, Bajo and Sumba Tribe. In addition, the weaving technique that applied is woven typology belongs to indigenious people of North Lombok.
Weaving generally create stronger structure within simple materials, try to show how diversity could be united as well.